Director, Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta

“Grounded in our purpose and priorities, the home area of Christian Community and Leadership (CCL) helps the ELCA reach and engage new, younger, and more diverse people, welcoming them into the Christian faith. To this end, we will energize and engage our core membership and work with the whole of the ELCA to recruit, develop and deploy the leadership, both lay and rostered, that the church needs to fulfill its purpose of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and building the church.”

This is a full-time, deployed position based in the Atlanta, GA area and near the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) Campus.

The position will:

Create a national leadership center for a new, younger, and more diverse church.
Lead and recruit participants for non-degree and degree programs in theological education and spiritual growth among rostered leaders, candidates for rostered ministry, and lay leaders with an intentional focus on African Descent pedagogies and in the development of African Descent leaders and communities.
Equip all leaders for the gospel-centered work of doing justice and dismantling racism and systemic oppression; and
Deepen relationships with Historically Black communities of faith, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA.

More details are available online.

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