Welcome to REA:APPRRE

Welcome to the Religious Education Association, an Association of Professors, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education. We meet and work together to advance substantive research, probing scholarship and practical approaches to religious education, particularly through our journal Religious Education and our scholarly monograph series Horizons in Religious Education.

Apply for REA Horizons Fellowship

REA Invites Applications from Early-Career Scholars and Advanced Doctoral Students for 6 Horizons Fellowships Supporting Writing for Teaching and Learning: Application Deadline March 24, 2025 The Horizons Book Series Co-Editorial Team of REA is excited to present the Project Guidelines, including information and a link to apply, for fellowships for a 2025-26 project funded by…

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New Deadline (March 1) REA 2025 Call for Candidates

REA 2025 Call for Candidates The Religious Education Association would like to issue an open call for candidates. We have several open positions within our organization and would like to extend an invitation for interested members to apply. The open positions available are: Vice- President for a  2 year term from Sept.1, 2025- Aug. 31, 2027…

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Propose a Program Theme for REA 2026 Annual Meeting

Themes for future annual meetings are chosen via the solicitation of proposals. You must be a member of the REA to make a theme proposal, and members who have attended several annual meetings generally have an advantage when applying. In addition, proposals should be made by a person or persons who agree to be the…

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REA @ AAR_Call for proposals for AAR June Online Conference

REA at AAR  Online June Annual Meeting 2025https://papers.aarweb.org/group/15177This call seeks to explore the interplay between religious education and freedom. Proposals exploring how religious traditions conceptualize freedom, how these conceptualizations embodied in beliefs, theologies, interpretations, and practices shape the practices of religious education, and the impact of these practices on learners and society, are welcome. In…

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