British academic and author passed away January 17, 2011 at age 64. For almost all his adult life, Copley had been a member of the Society of Friends. Copley was Professor of Educational Studies (Religious Education) at the University of Oxford, England and also Emeritus Professor of Religious Education at the University of Exeter, where he served as Professor of Religious Education from 1997 until 2007. Copley also served as a Religious Education teacher and then deputy head-teacher of a comprehensive school. He was a well-known speaker at academic conferences and teacher training provision. His writings cover the history of Religious Education and ‘spiritual development’ in state-maintained schools in England and Wales and methods of teaching biblical narrative in primary and secondary schools. His work includes the BIBLOS project on teaching the Bible in a secular environment and a number of books for children. Copley had a Methodist background but had been a Quaker for many decades. He received a Lambeth degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Archbishop of Canterbury. His family included his first wife Gill, who died in 2002, his second wife Carrie, his children Simon and Claire, and a grandchild Hannah.
Terence Copley, 17 January 2011