Proposing a Program Theme

Themes for future annual meetings are chosen via the solicitation of proposals. You must be a member of the REA to make a theme proposal, and members who have attended several annual meetings generally have an advantage when applying. In addition, proposals should be made by a person or persons who agree to be the program chair or co-chairs for that theme. The program chair (or, if co-chairs, at least one of the co-chairs) must agree to attend meetings of the Steering Committee and Board during their tenure.

Theme proposals are submitted via an online form, and will be reviewed by the Board for completeness before being offered to the membership for a vote. They require the following basic elements:

  • a title (keep in mind that titles usually have two parts — a short headline, and a few words that explain it);
  • a rationale for the meeting in 500 words or less (why the REA should focus an annual meeting on this theme, including how this theme emerges from current research in the field, or in a field adjacent to religious education to which religious educators should attend; explain how this theme can be addressed within multiple religious traditions, and how the theme connects to work being done in multiple contexts);
  • a specific person (or persons) who is/are being nominated as program chair(s) (please read carefully the program chair descriptions, it is a two-year commitment)
  • a draft call for proposals (the “theme description,” with generative questions; and then the “call,” which sharpens theme foci and provides instructions on the what/when/how of submissions)

There is also room in the form to add additional information, such as possible sources of additional funding you might bring to the process and ideas for possible speakers, pre-conference workshops, and so on.

The deadline for proposing a theme for the 2026 meeting, which will meet online, was March 15, 2025.

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