Fellowships for Theologians & Ethicists, Center of Theological Inquiry

Aiming to bring theological, ethical, and philosophical concepts into contact with new research in psychology and neuroscience, CTI will offer eight Research Fellowships of up to $70,000 and two Postdoctoral Fellowships of $40,000, provided with support from the John Templeton Foundation, for research scholars who welcome the dialogue between theology and science on our topic. Applications will be encouraged from scholars in theology, ethics, and philosophy, as well as scientists working in psychology and neuroscience.

A news story on the CTI website as well as a printer-friendly flyer offer more information about the inquiry and its interdisciplinary slate of leaders and speakers.

With theological ethicist Stephen Pope of Boston College and philosopher Robert Roberts of Baylor University as its leaders, the yearlong residential project also features two interdisciplinary pairs of symposium guests: Yale University psychologist Paul Bloom in conversation with moral theologian Jean Porter of the University of Notre Dame, and Stanford University neuroscientist William Hurlbut in dialogue with University of Glasgow theologian Werner Jeanrond.

A full request for proposals will be posted on the CTI website in May, and an online application period will take place from September 1 to November 30, 2012. Application inquiries may be directed to apply [at] ctinquiry [dot] org.