Taylor & Francis have announced the ten most accessed essays in Religious Education for the last two years, 2011-2012. These significant essays can be accessed free of charge through Taylor & Francis Online. We congratulate the authors of the publications below and encourage members to share these with your colleagues!
“Learning Religion and Religiously Learning Amid Global Cultural Flows”, by Mary E. Hess
“Islam and Muslims in U.S. Public Schools Since September 11, 2001”, by Liz Jackson
“Still Developing: Teenagers, Brains, and the Arts”, by Claire Annelise Smith
“Effective Teachers/Inspired Students: The Critical Role of Teachers in Yeshiva High Schools”, by Chana Tannenbaum
“Healing the Wounds: St. Augustine, Catechesis, and Religious Education Today”, by
Leonardo Franchi
“Religious Education in England After 9/11”, by Daniel Moulin
“Catechesis and Religious Education in Canadian Catholic Schools”, by Richard Rymarz
“Developing a Framework for Research on Religious Identity Development of Highly Committed Adolescents”, by Elsbeth Visser-Vogel, Janneke Westerink, Jos de Kock, Marcel Barnard, and Cok Bakker
“Brain Matters: Neuroscience And Creativity”, by Dean G. Blevins
“Interreligious Education: What Would Dewey Do?” by Aaron J. Ghiloni