United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities invites applications and nominations for an open rank, tenure track position in the area of Pastoral Care and/or Chaplaincy. In addition to teaching in areas of pastoral care, the successful candidate will lead and develop United’s rapidly growing interfaith chaplaincy program. Candidates should have a doctorate in Pastoral Care or a related field and CPE training. They should be able to demonstrate excellence and/or potential as a teacher and scholar. Interfaith and intercultural competencies are required, and certification to train CPE supervisors is highly desirable. Women, persons of color, and persons of different faiths are especially encouraged to apply. This appointment will begin Fall 2017.
Please send your letter of application, in which you address your interests and summarize your research agenda, CV, and three letters of recommendation by December 1, 2016 by email to dean [at] unitedseminary [dot] edu<mailto:dean [at] unitedseminary [dot] edu> (preferred) or by mail to Dean Sharon Tan, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, 3000 5th Street NW, New Brighton, MN 55112. United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities is a non-creedal, inclusive, diverse, open and affirming seminary chartered by the United Church of Christ. United is committed to building a loving and just community where all persons regardless of race, gender, religion, culture and disability can come to explore the boundless possibilities of the beloved community. EOE