Help us find a new networking coordinator!

As you know, from our July meeting and past eREACH issues, Mary Hess is retiring from her role as REA’s networking coordinator as of next July’s annual meeting. We are very much in search mode, and seeking applications by October 15th. Here is the position description again:

“You are invited to apply for the position of Networking Coordinator. Dr. Mary Hess is retiring after eight years of dedicated service in the position. The primary tasks of the networking coordinator include overseeing REA’s website and related communications work. The networking coordinator works closely with the REA executive secretary, Tenseg (our tech team), REA’s Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion officer, the program chair of the annual meeting, the officers, and the board of directors to see that the mission of the REA thrives.

A full position description is available from the executive secretary: Dr. Lakisha Lockhart (secretary [at] religiouseducation [dot] net). A successful networking coordinator will have an advanced degree in and knowledge of the field of religious education. The person will have a high degree of self-direction, administrative competence as well as collaboration, technological skills and know how and communication skills. The REA is committed to inclusion and embodies commitments to interfaith, international, and intercultural religious education. Please apply by October 15, 2022 by sending a CV, cover letter and a list of three references to secretary [at] religiouseducation [dot] net. Candidates will be accepted as long as the position remains open.”

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