The LGBTQ+ – Allies Working Group will be having a Fall gathering on Dec 2
(Saturday), 9.00am-11.00am (Eastern Time).
Sheryl A. M. Metzgner will be sharing her research entitled ‘Homesteading’ on the
Journey of LGBTQ Spirituality: Movements of Making a Home for the Self. Sheryl
is in our working group and she is currently a Doctoral Researcher in the Department of
Theology and Religion at the College of Arts and Law, University of Birmingham.
Responding to her presentation is Dr. Michael Campos from De La Salle University in
Manila. Michael researches at the intersection of Filipino-American
diaspora, postcolonial theory, queer theory, and critical pedagogy.
We will have a group conversation after Michael’s comments.
If you’re not in our mailing list and would like to attend, please email us at:
rea [dot] lgbtqplus [dot] wg [at] gmail [dot] com
We will send you the Zoom link for the event.
Hope to see as many of you for this gathering.
Alfred & Robin
Your lovely coordinators