Mary Anne Fowlkes

From 1987 to 2001 Mary Anne Fowlkes was Professor of Childhood Education and Director of the Josephine Newbury Demonstration Kindergarten at what was then the Presbyterian School of Christian Education and Union Theological Seminary (Union Presbyterian Seminary) in Richmond, VA. 

She was the author of The Church Cares For Children: A Handbook for Childcare in the Church (1995). It was a thick volume which covered everything from how tall a table should be for a three year to sit comfortably, to forms, calendars, theology and philosophy: everything one needed to know to care for children in the church. Mary Anne poured her knowledge, experience, wisdom, and love of children into this book. 

I met Mary Anne in January of 1976. We were both living in Atlanta. Mary Anne was working on her PhD in Early Childhood Education and was the Director of the Preschool at First Presbyterian Church. I was the Church Educator at Central Presbyterian, where Mary Anne was a member.  She served on our Children’s Education Committee.  I was drawn to her big smile, twinkling eyes, and laugh, as were the children of Central! 

The sanctuary floor at Central slanted down from the back to the front. Mary Anne preferred to sit on the right side, a few rows from the back. The family of a four year old boy who went to preschool at First Church preferred to sit on the same side, a few rows from the front.  One Sunday morning that little boy, who was with Mary Anne five days a week, decided he wanted to sit with her. During the sermon (of course!) he began to crawl uphill under the pews to get to his preferred seat with Mary Anne. He crawled over feet, around legs, purses, and dropped bulletins until he arrived at her feet. He climbed up and snuggled in next to her.  She welcomed him with that big smile and twinkling eyes.  

Mary Anne died on September 8. 2023.  I feel confident that wherever Mary Anne is now, she is surrounded by children snuggled in close, listening to her read a book (with all the voices and facial expressions she could so masterfully do) and knowing that they are loved and safe in her arms. 

Sallie C. Verner

PCUSA Educator, Retired

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