CFP: Values, Worldviews and Religions in Education

Call for papers: Values, Worldviews and Religions in Education: Changing Realities in the City, 8-11th of June 2020 in Stockholm, Sweden

Over the the past decades, religion has become a globally relevant societal issue also in the educational settings. Both due to increasing immigration and the growing interest in new religious movements and spirituality, religious diversity in Europe and beyond is more heightened than ever. This situation presents us with challenges where competence about religion becomes increasingly important. Societal education is in a special role here, as Early Childhood Education and Care, schools, universities, and other educational settings gather together the children or students from a wide variety of backgrounds. Thereby, understanding religion as a phenomenon, as well as the ability to analyze how religion and other worldviews, whether religious or secular, can take on different expressions in society, is necessary for all teachers and support staff in educational settings, in order for them to also support children and youth in constructing critical competences as regards these global citizenship skills.

Our 2020 conference will host keynote lectures by Dr Anna Strhan (University of York, UK), Dr Tünde Puskas (University of Linköping), Professor David Thurfjell (Södertörn University), and Professor Martin Ubani (University of Eastern Finland). Please submit your abstract (250-300 words) to earlisig19 [at] su [dot] se by 15st December 2019.

Conference website:

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