Author name: Mary

Congregational Organizer for Environmental Justice

The Minneapolis synod of the ELCA is seeking to hire a full-time congregational organizer for environmental justice. This position draws on the tradition of professional community organizing methodology, facilitated through the institution of the Lutheran church. It is centered on building a network of relationships among congregational leaders that can be organized for effective and

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REA Staff position in inclusive excellence

REA is seeking a part-time Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Officer (DEI Officer). This individual would be someone with interest, commitments and expertise in creating diverse, inclusive, and equitable spaces and events. This individual would be someone with interest and expertise in connections among diverse groups of individuals – through social media, pop-up workshops, and other

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Yale: Christian Spirituality

Yale Divinity School invites applications for a tenure-track/tenured faculty position in Christian Spirituality to begin July 1, 2022. The rank of the appointment is open. Yale Divinity School provides an ecumenical environment in which students are prepared for ordained and lay ministry in diverse Christian churches and for a wide range of professional careers, including

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Gabriel Moran, RIP

We are saddened to note that Gabriel Moran died on October 15th. His obituary is available online, and we will be sharing more of his legacy as the year goes on. Many of us remember him with great respect and fondness, and note that his scholarly contributions continue to sustain the field.

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Gabriel Moran, 15 October 2021

We mourn the passing of Gabriel Moran on October 15 of 2021. A full obituary was published in the New York Times, and Kieran Scott offered this graveside reflection: Friends, Sisters, Brothers and Colleagues,It is good for us to be here. We have been privileged and honored, to be included in “the great cloud of witnesses,”

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