Author name: Mary

Claremont: Interreligious Ed position

Claremont School of Theology wishes to welcome to their faculty a creative and productive scholar and teacher in Interreligious Education, preferably a person who has experiential grounding in a tradition other than Christianity. The position is full-time and tenured/tenure-track at the assistant or associate professor level. The position is as of August 1, 2021, and […]

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USMC: Keenan Chair

The University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto seeks to fill the Keenan Chair in Religious Education. Applications for the chair — rank of assistant, associate, or full — will be accepted until the January 15, 2021 deadline. Note that the successful applicant will have a PhD in theological studies.

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Lifelong learning survey

The Association of Lifelong Learning in Ministry (ALLLM), the professional guild supporting directors in lifelong learning — and REA’s related learning organization — is launching a research project. The goal? To map the landscape of continuing education in North America for the first time in nearly 40 years – and they need our help! Phase

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Add to our resource list!

After the August pop-up zoom we held to support people in planning fall courses, we developed a page on our website where you can add resources as you think of them. As we approach planning for spring terms, please visit that page and consider submitting additional resources using the form found at the bottom of

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October eREACH available

If you are a member of REA, you should already have received your October 2020 eREACH. But if not, you can now access it here at our website. It’s chock full of information, including the schedule for our fully online — and free! — 2020 fall gathering which will take place November 5-8. Quick tip:

October eREACH available Read More »

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