Author name: Mary

Business meeting materials

Here are materials for the 2016 REA Business meeting. Please note that it will be held DURING the Saturday luncheon, so it’s important to read these materials in advance and be ready to vote. Business meeting agenda Slate of nominees Executive Secretary’s Report 2015 Business Meeting Minutes Wornom Innovation Grant Proposed budget

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Please read papers in advance!

Given how collaborative and collegial our RIG and workshop sessions are, it is important to read the papers or outlines in advance of each session. Some find it easiest to do so by clicking on the link in Sched in the session you’re going to (you can download papers directly from that link, specific to the

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Remembering Allen Moore

Boston University has now published a lengthy celebration of Allen Joe Moore’s life and work. You can also access the full obituary, and a recording of the memorial service which was held on October 4th. We will make Allen’s passing at the REA meeting, but in the meantime we hope these links invite joyful memories!

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Dir. of MA in ED, tenure-track position

Eastern Mennonite University announces a search for the Director of their MA Program in  Education, a tenure-track position. The Director of the Master of Arts in Education program is responsible for the vision, vitality and everyday functions of a successful and innovative CAEP-accredited multi- site program in graduate teacher education. The department’s mission is to increase

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2016 Slate of nominees

Here is the slate of nominees being offered by the nominating committee for positions which need to be voted on during the 2016 REA business meeting: Vice-President and Program Chair-Elect: Kathy Winings, Unification Theological Seminary Kathy Winings is the Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Unification Theological Seminary and Professor of Religious Education and

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Practical Theology and the Practices of Ministry

Wake Forest University School of Divinity invites applications for a position in Practical Theology and the Practices of Ministry, with preference given to candidates with advanced academic work in Homiletics, Leadership Studies, or Education and Community Formation. The ideal candidate will have multiple competencies in these teaching and research areas. This is an open rank

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