Author name: Mary

Allen Joe Moore, 18 September 2016

Long time leader and member of REA, died on September 18, 2016. Born September 7, 1927, Allen Joe Moore was named after his two grandfathers, whom he liked to call the “heretic” and the “preacher.” He inherited the free-thinking of Pa Crider and the preaching enthusiasm of his Grandfather Moore. As an undergraduate at Southwestern University, […]

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Orthodox icons in Pittsburgh

Starting to look forward to our meeting? Here’s an article that describes one of the local painters from the Ukrainian community, and her work painting icons. Pittsburgh has a rich variety of religious communities, and Orthodox Christians form one of them. We will start posting items here that point towards Pittsburgh — let us know

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Research on Retreats for Young People

Graham Rossiter, a recent plenary speaker at REA, sent us the following announcement: Online availability of the Report The Research on Retreats publication 2016 reports a study of the views of teachers and senior students about retreats in Australian Catholic secondary schools.  The Report is available for free download as a pdf file on the Retreats Research

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U of Toronto: South Asian Religions

The Department of Historical Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga invites applications for a tenure-stream position in South Asian Religions at the rank of Assistant Professor. The appointment will begin on July 1, 2017. Applicants must have earned a PhD with a focus on South Asian religions by the date of appointment or shortly

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University of New Mexico: Buddhist Philosophy

Assistant or Associate Professor, full-time tenure-stream position, beginning August 2017. AOS: Buddhist Philosophy. AOC: Open. This position is made possible by a grant from The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation. Customary undergraduate and graduate teaching duties, including thesis supervision, and non-teaching duties in Philosophy. We are seeking an outstanding scholar, with a strong background

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Emory: Latinx Christianity

The Department of Religion at Emory University (Atlanta, GA) invites applications for an Associate or Full Professor of Latin American/Latino/LatinX Christianity to begin Fall 2017. The position is open to scholars working on Catholic or Protestant traditions, or popular Christian traditions that incorporate indigenous and/or African elements. Approaches may include (but are not limited to)

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UC-Davis: Hinduism

The Department of Religious Studies at the University of California, Davis invites applicants for a tenure-track faculty position in Hinduism at the Assistant Professor level. Research focus and methodology within this area are open, and we welcome candidates whose research engages textual sources, visual and material culture, and/or performance practice. Advanced expertise in and ability

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UC-Santa Barbara: Religion and Environment

The Environmental Studies Program and Department of Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), invite applications for a tenure-track, joint faculty position in Religion and Environment (50% in the Environmental Studies Program and 50% in the Religious Studies Department) at the assistant professor level. Applicants should have a PhD in a relevant

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Yale Institute of Sacred Music

Each year, Yale Institute of Sacred Music brings a group of fellows from around the world to join its interdisciplinary community, normally for a one-year term. The ISM fellows are scholars and practitioners at all career stages whose work revolves around the sacred: sacred music, ritual studies, or religion and the arts. The work of

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