Author name: Mary

FTE Christian Leadership Forum

Join over 200 passionate, faithful leaders at FTE’s 2016 Christian Leadership Forum June 1-4, 2016 at the Georgia Tech Conference Center. Come exchange ideas, address challenges within your ministry, and explore how you might ignite young leaders in your midst to boldly lead differently through the church. If you are a pastor, chaplain, campus minister, leader of […]

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Judith Johnson-Siebold

As a young child I spent Sundays in Sunday School and worship in a dignified tall steeple Protestant church. The theological emphasis at the time was finding God in nature, and I learned to experience the Divine in the rocks and trees around me. At the age of ten my family and I moved and

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Barney Kathan

I felt a call to the Christian ministry by the end of my Senior year in high school, and I was influenced at Wesleyan University by John Darr and Bill Spurrier, who were chaplains, led services, taught courses, and provided leadership in the Christian Association and the pre-ministerial club. Since I was intending to go

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Gabriel Moran

I came to religious education from teaching religion in a Catholic high school. As a member of the teaching order of Christian Brothers, one taught a daily religion class. I was given the opportunity to go to any university of my choice to study for a doctorate in religious education. I chose to go to

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Greer Anne Wenh-In Ng

MY FORMATION AS A RELIGIOUS EDUCATOR, OR HOW I ENTERED THE HOUSEHOLD OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (a la Browning and Foster) Preamble re identity and context: I write as a member of that part of the Christian community known as Reformed/Protestant that employs a terminology of “Christian Education” and that asserts the centrality of the [Christian]

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Elizabeth Nolan

I began in Christian Education before I was 6 months old when my mother took me in a basket to teach her Sunday school class and I continued there until I became the minister of a congregation where I had to stay in church to preach the sermon each Sunday in 1996. As my sermons

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Maureen O’Brien

As a child, when asked what I “wanted to be when I grew up,” I would usually answer, “a teacher.” I practiced by playing school with my siblings, and in real school, by developing a passion for learning every sort of subject. Spending my entire pre-college educational years in public schools in rural Pennsylvania, my

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Robert O’Gorman

I probably owe my passion for religious education to my sister – she is nine years my senior and a religious of the Sisters of St. Joseph. In the early ‘60s she was studying at Catholic University and I can remember her telling me about the Adam and Eve story. I was in my early

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CFP for special issue on RE and Racism

The January-February 2017 issue of Religious Education seeks papers for a special issue critically exploring religious education in relation to race, racism, and anti-racism. What is the role of religious education in addressing racism today? Around the globe racism’s presence and effects manifest themselves in situations as varied as acts of racially motivated violence in

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