New journal on game environments and religion

The Institute for Religious Studies and Religious Education at the University of Bremen is hosting a new journal, gamevironments, considering the interactions of games, religion and culture.

The journal welcomes contributions applying all approaches and highlighting all fields of investigation related to video games/gaming and religion, culture, and society.

The journal also explicitly seeks to acknowledge the steadily increasing impact of video games’ and gaming’s global aspects. In order to actively contribute towards establishing and maintaining a critical dialogue including perspectives beyond the so far dominant regional contexts the journal encourages contributions which address the diverse global video game and gaming landscape.

Gamevironments is hosted at the University of Bremen, Germany. The journal is an international and multidisciplinary collaboration effort by the two editors-in-chief, Kerstin Radde-Antweiler from the University of Bremen in Germany and Xenia Zeiler from the University of Helsinki in Finland.

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