Rossiter book available for free

Graham Rossiter has recently published a new book — Life to the full: The changing landscape of contemporary spirituality — Implications for Catholic School Religious Education. He is excited to announce that it is being made available as a free PDF to religious educators.

In addition, he writes that:

…the book is linked with complementary audiovisual and study materials that are related specifically to most of its chapters — especially chapters 5-7 concerned with the iconography of what might be called contemporary consumerist ‘religion’ and the importance of including such ‘religious’ studies within school religious education.

Download page for the free pdf file of the book.

Videos of lectures and associated presentation materials from the Study Day on Catholic school Religious Education during which the book was launched (P Hughes, G Rossiter and G Rummery presenters)

Download page with links to audiovisual and other study materials that relate to specific chapters in the book Life to the full.

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