We are deeply saddened to share the news that Rabbi Dr. Sarah Tauber has died.
Sarah had a very rapid, seven-week decline from pancreatic cancer and is survived by her parents, Joseph and Phyllis, her brother Daniel, and her two young adult children, Benjamin and Hannah. She was an incredible colleague—she co-founded the Religious Persecution & Vicarious Trauma working group at REA with Jennifer Haddad Mosher — and a wonderful friend.
Dr. Mosher wrote to us that “I am so grateful that REA published her book, Open Minds, Devoted Hearts, but am so grieved that there will not be more books, lectures, honest and excellent questions, that we all have been deprived of her brilliant mind and her deeply encouraging and humane presence as a teacher and a mentor in religious education.”
Here is a video of Sarah teaching that you might enjoy as we pray and offer condolences for her family: