The Religious Education Association (REA) is an association of professors, practitioners, researchers, and religious educators that was formed in 1903 by William Rainey Harper, President of the University of Chicago, to interpret and advance the nature, purposes, and value of the field of religious education. We have a growing membership of over 370, an internationally highly cited scholarly journal, Religious Education, a book series, Horizons in Religious Education, and Annual Meetings held in major cities in the U.S. and Canada that attract over 150 scholars and practitioners from multiple countries around the world. A fourteen-member Board of Directors, elected to specific terms at the Annual Meeting each year, governs the Association.
The Board of Directors is pleased to announce its unanimous decision to appoint as REA’s first Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Officer, Dr. Christine J. Hong, Associate Professor of Educational Ministry; Director of the DEdMin Program at Columbia Theological Seminary.
According to the Association’s Bylaws (to be approved at our Annual Meeting in July 2022,) “The DEI officer is responsible for considering REA’s interest, commitments and expertise in creating diverse, inclusive, and equitable spaces and events. The DEI Officer will collaborate with the REA leadership to assess the need for, and recommend and/or lead training initiatives on racial justice, cultural diversity, gender differences, disability, sexual harassment, and other topics designed to increase awareness and support of equity and inclusion values.”
Dr. Hong is a creative and knowledgeable practical theologian and religious educator. She has a refreshing familiarity with religious institutions and the academy as well as the potential public impact of our field. Her vision for what REA can become is rich with creativity, relevance, optimism, and adaptive change towards justice and equity. She shares the commitments of REA to a widening and inclusive vision of our association and its potential impact.
It is with enthusiasm and pride that we announce Dr. Hong’s appointment.