
Plenary 3: Disrupting the consequences of difficult histories through education

By way of evoking your interest, we are going to post brief abstracts of some of the plenary panelists for our upcoming meeting in Toronto. Here is a glimpse of what Dr. Magdalena Gross, Senior research associate, Center to Support Excellence in Teaching, Stanford University will be presenting. In a recent Economist article, the author […]

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Plenary 3: Disrupting the consequences of difficult histories through education

By way of evoking your interest, we are going to post brief abstracts of some of the plenary panelists for our upcoming meeting in Toronto. Here is a glimpse of what Dr. Tsafrir Goldberg, in the Department. of Learning, Instruction and Teacher Education in the University of Haifa, Israel will be presenting. How do Jewish

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Plenary 3: Disrupting the consequences of histories through education

By way of evoking your interest, we are going to post brief abstracts of some of the plenary panelists for our upcoming meeting in Toronto. Here is a glimpse of what Dr. Greer Anne Wenh-In Ng, Emerita professor of religious education, Emmanuel College in Victoria University in the University of Toronto, will be presenting. Complexities

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Preparing for REA2019

Excitement is building as we approach REA Annual Meeting 2019, next week in Toronto. We have a number of things we’d like to share in advance. First, we extend love and prayers to our program chair, Dr. Hanan Alexander, who has had to have major heart surgery and will not be able to attend our

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Slate of nominees

Vice-President and 2021 Program Chair Patrick Reyes currently serves as Senior Director at the Forum for Theological Exploration, where his portfolio includes oversight of organizational thought leadership, research, and annual grant funding. In this role, he collaborates and works with leaders of institutions, foundations, and other para-academic organizations in theological and higher education to build

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Shared slide for presenters

If you are presenting a paper at REA and showing slides, we would appreciate it if you made this PDF the first slide of your presentation. It includes the wifi details so that folks can get online and it also tells them where to find the feedback forms for each session. Shared Slide PDF

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A Toronto Walking Tour

Two PhD students from the Toronto School of Theology (Marie Green and Eser Kim) have volunteered to lead a walking tour of the University of Toronto and nearby environs. They’ve put together a lovely guide to things you might like to see and do in the area, and you can download it here — as

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