
And we begin!

REA2023 begins today. We are so excited by all of the papers, collaborative sessions, posters, and plenaries that await our learning on the theme “Whose children are they? Responsibilities for religious formation of a new generation. Check out the schedule and join this entirely online meeting that will unfold throughout the week across numerous countries […]

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REA2023 is almost here…

…and there’s a lot to savor this year! Over 30 sessions across five days and a whole bunch of timezones. Research that covers early childhood through adulthood, all from the perspective of what paying close attention to childhood and adolescence might teach us about the work of religious education. Viewpoints that reflect diverse contexts, traditions,

REA2023 is almost here… Read More »

Longing for an in-person REA?

You can have the best of all worlds! Join in the online annual meeting — live translations offered, great papers, and more — and do so while also gathering in person with colleagues in Tulsa, OK at the same time. Our colleagues there have arranged an excellent companion regional gathering.

Longing for an in-person REA? Read More »

Annual Meeting Plenaries Announced!

We are pleased to share many additional details about the primary plenaries for our upcoming —July 10-14—annual meeting. You can find all of the details on the conference website, and here are direct links to each of the plenary descriptions: July 11 plenary on “Irresponsible answers” featuring Henry Zonio, Christine Diindiisi McCleave, Ramona Grad, and

Annual Meeting Plenaries Announced! Read More »

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