
Matthew Geiger has died

We are deeply sad to note that Matthew Geiger, key leader in our Schools Working Group, has died. We reprint here his obituary, and welcome members who have specific memories they want to share sending them to us — we will have a formal memorial at our November annual meeting. Matthew William Geiger died on […]

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The Grace of Playing

The Religious Education Association is proud to announce the third book in our Horizons in Religious Education series: The Grace of Playing. Courtney Goto’s book explores the reality that believers and teachers of faith regularly know the in-breaking of God’s Spirit in their midst, when revelatory experiencing unexpectedly shifts habits of thinking, feeling, and doing

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At this year’s AAR Annual Meeting in Atlanta (November 21-24) the official REA session  (P21-403) will be moderated by Kathy Winings, our current Chair of the Standing Committee for Religious Education in Faith Communities. Titled “Valuing the Teaching of Religion: Connecting, Disrupting, Transforming Power,” the session will feature Judith Bishop of Mills College (recipient of the AAR’s 2015 Excellence

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Learning in encounter

In latest book (in Dutch) Bert Roebben considers religious education in European schools as an opportunity and even as a right for every child to ‘learn in encounter’ with the religious other. His approach is narrative, communicative and spiritual. He deals with recent developments in European RE research, such as children and youth theology, sacred scripture

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Invitation to John Hull’s funeral

From his wife Marilyn: “John’s funeral will take place on Monday 17th August at 12 noon at our parish church of All Saints, 2 Vicarage Rd, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7RA.  Please allow plenty of time for parking, which can be tricky. The church grounds have  limited space but please let us know if you require disabled

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RIP John Hull

We are deeply saddened to learn that Dr. John Hull, a religious education scholar of international esteem, died on July 28, 2015. Joyce Miller, a good friend of John for many years, writes: “Members of ISREV from across the world will be saddened to learn of the death of Professor John Hull in the early

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Share our meeting flyers!

Plans continue for our next annual meeting in November, to be held the 6-8th in Atlanta. We now have two versions of a flyer that you can download and print, or send to friends and colleagues electronically. Color version of REA2015 flyer, best if you are sharing electronically or printing in color. Black and white

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