
Justus Baird featured in Journal

Check out the October 2013 issue of Teaching Theology and Religion to see REA member Justus Baird’s article featured as the “free sample” to entice readers to subscribe!  Rabbi Justus N. Baird is Dean of Auburn Theological Seminary in New York.  His article, “Multifaith Education in American Theological Schools: Looking Back, Looking Ahead,” from the

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Please welcome REA’s new Networking Coordinator!

The Board of the Religious Education Association is happy to announce that Mary Ellen Durante has accepted the position of Networking Coordinator. This new part-time position will strengthen member interactions, build relationships with other groups and organizations, and increase the visibility of REA in our larger contexts – utilizing social media, blogs, webinars, and other

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New Book On Target for 2013 REA Theme

REA member Michael Waggoner (University of Northern Iowa) has edited a new book that perfectly fits this year’s meeting theme, “Com­ing Out Reli­giously: Reli­gion, the Pub­lic Sphere, and Reli­gious Iden­tity Formation.” Noting that public education is one of the few places “where Americans can meet together to learn about each other and to share in

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REA Session at 2013 AAR-SBL in Baltimore

Don’t miss the first REA session at the American Academy of Religion meeting in Baltimore! Saturday, Nov 23 – 6:30-8:00 PM Sheraton Inner Harbor-Harborview II P23-402 Religious Education and 21st-Century Intersections: Religion Identity Formation, Social Activism, and Public Imagination Three of the Religious Education Association’s leaders – past, present, and future presidents – trace the

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New Book from Wimberly, Barnes, Johnson

Judson Press recently released Youth Ministry in the Black Church: Centered in Hope by Anne Wimberly, Sandra Barnes and Karma Johnson — yet another important resource for professors, youth ministry leaders, and Christian education directors!  An overview of the book list three areas that form the book’s frame for discussing challenges and strategies for youth

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Alan Smith’s New Book

Routledge has announced the publication of new volume in its Studies in Religion series: Theology and the Arts: Engaging Faith, by Ruth Illman and W. Alan Smith. In contrast to “the narrow emphasis of modernity on reason and the scientific method as the basis of all knowledge,” Illman and Smith focus on “discrete practices of

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Julie Lytle’s New Book

Morehouse Publishing has announced the release of Julie Lytle’s new book, Faith Formation 4.0: Introducing an Ecology of Faith in a Digital Age. “Framed by the Great Commission’s imperative to ‘make disciples,’ Faith Formation 4.0 shows how to reclaim the characteristics of the original oral tradition of the Early Church while using today’s tools of

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