
IACS CFP now available

The call for papers for the International Association of Children’s Spirituality 2022 Virtual Symposium is now available online. The symposium will take place online July 14-15 & July 18-19 utilizing zoom. Proposals are due April 1st, and there is no charge for attending the symposium.

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Celebrating Faith Ringgold’s art

There’s a powerful story in the NYTimes this week about Faith Ringgold. Did you know she has a connection to REA? Back in 2012 REA President Yolanda Smith (she of blessed memory), hosted the annual meeting in Atlanta, and as part of the meeting we created a painted story quilt based in Faith Ringgold’s process.

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REA2022 Will Once Again be Online

Following extensive consultation, including both a membership poll and significant discussion amongst both the REA Steering Committee and the REA Board, we have decided to once again hold our annual meeting in an online format. We decided to move to an online-only meeting for three reasons: (1) to ensure the design and delivery of an

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Public Scholarship in Religion and Public Education: A Seminar

Enhancing Opportunities for Collaboration Between Religious and Theological Studies Scholars and K-12 Educators Religious studies scholars widely support enhancing education about religion in K-12 public schools that leads to greater religious literacy and democratic pluralism. The difficulty arises when translating this support into action. Scholars quickly encounter the legal and social complexity of U.S. public

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CDSP: Visiting faculty in homiletics and pastoral theology

The Church Divinity School of the Pacific is now hiring a Visiting Faculty of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology. As Visiting Faculty in Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, this person will further CDSP’s commitment to forming lay and ordained leaders for outward-facing ministry in culturally diverse contexts and in a changing church and world. We seek an

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UMBC: Student Initiatives/Diversity & Inclusion

The Division of Student Affairs, Initiatives for Identity Inclusion and Belonging at the Uuniversity of Maryland Baltimore County is looking for a dynamic student affairs professional with passion and experience for supporting students in cultivating religious and spiritual diversity, and experience working with or leading interfaith dialogues. In the role of Assistant Director, the incumbent

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