
Newman Symposium CFP

Regis College, Canada, Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities Department announces a Virtual Symposium on the First Anniversary of the Canonization of Saint John Henry Newman and 75th Anniversary of the first Newman Symposium at Regis College, October 23, 2020. Conference Theme: Newman: Scholar, Convert, Reformer, Cardinal, Saint Keynote Speaker: Dr. John Dadosky, Ph.D., S.T.D. Details

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New Executive Secretary!

The Board of the Religious Education Association is pleased to announce that Dr. Lakisha Lockhart, Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at Chicago Theological Seminary, has agreed to be our next executive secretary starting as of July 15, 2020. Dr. Lockhart takes up this role following the retirement of Dr. Lucinda Huffaker, who has agreed to

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Some Timely Resources…a Start

One of the purposes of the REA website is to share resources in the field of religious education, and now is certainly a time that we need to be made aware of good resources for transformative learning, teaching in times of crisis, and acting for justice.  As a follow up to REA’s Statement On the

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Religious Education in a Time of Crisis: Invitation to a Catholic Community of Practice Conversation

The past few months have brought serious disruptions and challenges to all of us in our religious education efforts, in academic and practitioner settings alike. The pandemic and abrupt shifts it has caused for our teaching, communication and ministry, and more recently, the murder of George Floyd and growing urgency for antiracism efforts—all of these

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