
2 New Grant Possibilities

Time is short! But here are 2 new grant announcements that suggest exciting possibilities for colleagues with interest in these areas: 1. From the Wabash Center, “Expanding Ministry Formation into New Pedagogical Contexts.” Grants of up to $20,000 for projects that explore the process of teaching ministry formation outside the classroom: in local contexts, in

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Summer Research Colloquium: The Role of Religion in Social Movements

Spend the month of July in New York working on a research or writing project related to the theme, “The Role of Religion in Social Movements,” with access to libraries and research facilities at Columbia University, Union, Auburn, and Jewish Theological Seminaries. Fellowship includes room, board and support staff.  Application deadline is February 1, 2012.

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Preparing for the Annual Meeting Early

This year we encourage you to prepare to attend the 2012 REA Annual Meeting Early. Have you renewed your membership? Have you reviewed the call for proposals? Checked out the state-of-the-art accommodations? You do not want to miss this year’s meeting. When you are not sharing with REA colleagues you can take advantage of Atlanta’s historic

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Summer 2012 NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities, Call for Proposals

The Virtual Center for Spatial Humanities (VCSH), a multidisciplinary collaboration among Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI), Florida State University, and West Virginia University, is pleased to announce an NEH Advanced Institute for summer 2012 designed to advance exploration of key topics in the spatial humanities. The institute theme is “Spatial Narrative and Deep Maps: explorations

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“Covering” the conference

There is some great digital outreach happening while we’re here in Toronto. Check out Daniel Harper’s blog, for instance, where he shares what he’s learning in various sessions. Follow us on twitter (hash tag for this meeting #rea2011). Our speaker last evening was Barbara Bradley Hagerty, the religion correspondent for NPR Radio. She talked about

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Blogging for Plenary #2: Dean Blevins

As the mastermind behind this year’s REA Program, Dean Blevins introduced the theme  “Brain Matters: Neuroscience and Creativity” with interdisciplinary reflection and humor.  Dean reviewed David Hogue’s presentation with “Father Guido’s Quiz,” a video clip of carton characters singing a song identifying the parts of the brain and invited us to explore new horizons of neuroscience and the implications for

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