
2016 Plenary Two available

Here is the next in our series of 2016 annual meeting plenaries. This is the second plenary, which focused on bringing biographical narratives to bear on the question of finding hope in the midst of globalization as teachers. Mualla Selçuk, Sarah Tauber, Daniel Moulin and Bernhard Grümme all weighed in with powerful, contextually specific reflections.

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2016 Plenary One video available

As the New Year begins we will be posting video recordings of the plenary sessions from our 2016 annual meeting. Here is the first one, Bert Roebben’s presidential address, which opened the meeting. Towards the end of his address you may recall that he showed a video from YouTube, which you can find here:

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HTI journal moves online

Since 1998, Perspectivas has offered the Latino/a theological community a space for the innovative contributions of Latino/a scholars in theology and religion. It serves as a critical resource to stimulate further dialogue and research in theological and religious education. A printed peer-reviewed journal through 2009, with this Spring 2016 issue HTI is pleased to move

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CFP for special issue on RE and Racism

The January-February 2017 issue of Religious Education seeks papers for a special issue critically exploring religious education in relation to race, racism, and anti-racism. What is the role of religious education in addressing racism today? Around the globe racism’s presence and effects manifest themselves in situations as varied as acts of racially motivated violence in

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The Grace of Playing

The Religious Education Association is proud to announce the third book in our Horizons in Religious Education series: The Grace of Playing. Courtney Goto’s book explores the reality that believers and teachers of faith regularly know the in-breaking of God’s Spirit in their midst, when revelatory experiencing unexpectedly shifts habits of thinking, feeling, and doing

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