
Emilie Townes’ presentation

We have now placed video recordings of all of the plenary speakers from last November’s meeting online. We will highlight each speaker in a news post here, and we encourage you to share the videos and use them in teaching. In the opening plenary of the 2015 meeting Emilie Townes focused on the challenges of imagination

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Celebrating Nostra Aetate

Nostra Aetate is a document from the Roman Catholic church that was promulgated as part of Vatican II. This year it is 50 years old, and there have been some wonderful conferences and other events marking that anniversary. Why? Because the document was a key turning point in not only the Catholic church’s but other Christian

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Wimberly presentation at Yale

The Youth Ministry Initiative at Yale will be featuring our member and past president, Dr. Anne Wimberly, in a presentation on May 6th at 12:30 pm eastern time. It will be live-streamed, so even if you aren’t in New Haven, you will be able to hear her lecture. The session will include an overview of meanings

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New journal on game environments and religion

The Institute for Religious Studies and Religious Education at the University of Bremen is hosting a new journal, gamevironments, considering the interactions of games, religion and culture. The journal welcomes contributions applying all approaches and highlighting all fields of investigation related to video games/gaming and religion, culture, and society. The journal also explicitly seeks to acknowledge the

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Glossary of associations

Many of our webpages and papers refer to specific associations or organizations by acronyms or letters alone. That can be very confusing! We have begun a webpage on this site that is a glossary of associations we either have some involvement with, our members are also active in, or we have referred to in various papers

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Second Horizons book announced

The REA Horizons in Religious Education series announces the acceptance of the 2nd book in the series.  Open Minds, Devoted Hearts: Portraits of Adult Religious Educators written by Dr. Sarah Tauber will be published in 2015.  Dr. Tauber is Assistant Professor of Jewish Education at Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City. She has published essays

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