Subscriptions to Religious Education, the official journal of the REA, are available by becoming a member. The journal (including archives) is available online to members free from this page. If you would like to contribute an article, contribute a book review, re-use your original content published in the journal, or request permission to reproduce material, read on!
Guidelines for Contributors
Religious Education, the journal of the Religious Education Association: An Association of Professors, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education, offers a forum for exploring religious identity, formation, and education in faith communities, academic disciplines and institutions, and public life and the global community.
Articles consider education in houses of worship, schools, informal programs, and institutions of higher learning involving adults, youth, children, and families. Topics addressed include educational theory, theology, and education; tradition and trends; policy and practice; models and methods; moral values and character education; sacred texts; and spiritual, cultural and social issues in education. Religious Education seeks original compositions in the following two areas:
- Articles – Research, scholarship, and insights from practice relating to the intersection of religion and education.
- Critique – Essays and shorter reviews of significant new titles in books, media, and curricula.
Our journal editor is Joyce Mercer, Professor of Pastoral Care and Practical Theology, Yale Divinity School. Our book review editor is César “CJ” Baldelomar, Boston College, Doctoral Candidate.
Religious Education receives all manuscript submissions electronically via its Editorial Manager site. Editorial Manager allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts, and facilitates the review process and internal communication between authors, editors, and reviewers via a web-based platform. There is technical support available. If you have any other requests, please contact Joyce Mercer, Editor-in-Chief, Religious Education, Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511, USA, or via email: rejournal [at] yale [dot] edu.
Length: Manuscripts should not exceed 6,500 words, including notes and references. Please use 12-point type size and 1 1/2-inch (4 cm) margins at the top, bottom, right, and left of every page.
Style: Please download and use the T&F Author Style guide for all of your citations and other references.
Permissions: As an author, you are required to secure permission if you want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as “derivative reproduction” (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source).
Cover Sheet and Author Identification: The cover sheet should contain the paper title, author’s name, institutional affiliation, address, phone and fax numbers, and electronic-mail addresses. The body of the manuscript should bear only the title of the paper on the first page. Religious Education follows a double-blind reviewing procedure, in which neither author nor reviewer knows the identity of the other. To preserve the integrity of this review process, authors should avoid self-identification in the text as well as in notes and references.
Accepted Articles: Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the author may be asked to respond to various queries from the journal via the electronic Editorial Manager process. Authors of published articles are given permission in various ways to re-use their original content, subject to specific provisions.
Responsibility: Contributors bear sole responsibility for the accurate and verified documentation of all reference material used to support their manuscripts and contributions. Religious Education does not pay for articles; however, an author may register to receive up to three print copies of the issue in which their article appears (if they register for such while their article is in production). Additional issues can be purchased by contacting customer service at T&F.
Information for Subscribers
Articles are indexed in the American Theological Library Association; Religious Index One: Periodicals; Education Index; Religious and Theological Abstracts; Index to Jewish Periodicals; H.W. Wilson; Current Contents; Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Contents Pages in Education, ERIC [Education Resources Information Center], ERIH [European Reference Index for the Humanities], ATLA Serials, Cabells Directory of Pub Opportunities in Ed Curriculum and Methods, EBSCOhost Online Research Databases, Guide to Social Science and Religion in Periodical Literature, Educational Research Abstracts Online, OCLC, Periodicals Index Online, ProQuest, and Scopus. Issues are also available on microfilm from University Microfilms, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. For information on subscription fees and membership visit our membership page.

Permission to Reproduce Material
Those making inquiries about permissions for re-prints of material from the Religious Education journal should refer to the instructions listed on the T&F website. Further questions about permissions should be addressed to:
Ivy Gray-Klein
Managing Editor, Routledge US Education Journals
Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
530 Walnut Street, Suite 850
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: (215) 606-4202
Fax: (215) 207-0050