People become involved with the REA in a number of ways, but often the first step is coming to an annual meeting. There you will find a poster session entitled “All about REA” — this is a great first orientation.

If you’d like to step into deeper involvement, look for the various communities of practice and working groups. These are groups of people coming together to work on specific ideas or within specific contexts. They always welcome new participants, and often work on projects between annual meetings. If you are a student, you have a Board representative dedicated to supporting students in the association, and there are special events for students during the annual meeting.
Once you’re more familiar with our organization, if you are interested in leadership opportunities speak with someone on the nominations committee. This is the group which creates a slate of officers to stand for election each year during the annual business meeting. You can also nominate yourself, or someone else, from the floor during the business meeting.
Still have questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact our executive secretary or networking coordinator.