To access member services, including getting member pricing on the annual meetings, you must first supply your membership login and password to authenticate yourself as a member.
If you can’t remember your password, please follow the steps below, since REA staff cannot tell you what your password is. Please read them all before you begin, since the first step will take you away from this screen.
1. Click the “Lost your password?” link.
This link will be available on any page asking for a password. Or you can just click on it here: Lost your password?
2. Fill in your email address on the form that appears.
You must use the same email address that is already on your REA member profile. If you are not sure what that address is, please send us a note and we can look it up for you.
Make sure to click the “Get New Password” button.
3. Wait for an email from our website.
This step is the most difficult. Be patient. This email should arrive within 5 minutes. Also, depending on how your mail reader is set up, this message may end up in a spam folder, or a promotions folder, or some other hidden spot. Searching for a message “” might help you dig it up.
It is important to be patient and find this message because every time you generate a new password reset message the old one becomes invalid. In other words, only finding the most recent message will help you reset your password.
4. Click on the link found in the message.
This message will be addressed to your email address from “” with a subject that includes the words “Password Reset”. Just click on the password reset link provided in the message.
5. Type in your new password.
Type your new password in the fields provided and click the “Reset Password” button.
Please note that WordPress will try to assign a new password to you. You are welcome to accept this password, but if you do, please make a copy of it for yourself so that you do not forget it. But also feel free to delete the password that WordPress supplies and create your own password.
If you do make your own password, make it at least 8 characters long and unique to your REA account. Please pay careful attention to your typing when creating a password, as even the case (uppercase/lowercase) of letters matters. Make sure to keep your password in a safe place, we suggest you put a copy in a password manager application like 1Password, LastPass, or your browser/computer’s built-in password manager.
6. You did it!
Yeah, five steps are enough, don’t you think?
If all went well you will end up on a page that offers you links to some common members-only pages. You will have to log in to use any of these resources, so it will be a good chance for you to be sure you actually know your new password!
If you have any trouble resetting your password, please use the “Report a Problem to Staff” link at the bottom of any REA page (even this one). Thanks!