Payment methods at REA

We usually offer two payment methods at REA. You can choose to pay by credit card (recommended), or check. Here is a little bit more about all both methods.

Paying with a credit or debit card

If you are paying with a credit or debit card REA will use a service called Stripe to actually charge your card. You may even get a receipt from Stripe in addition to the one you get from REA. This is the fastest way to pay and the transaction is complete as soon as you click the pay button. If anything does go wrong, like a mistyped credit card number, you will know right away. This is our recommended payment method for anyone using a credit or debit card, even international members.

Paying by check

If you don’t have access to a credit card you may want to pay by check. In fact, if you plan to pay in any “offline” way, please use the “check” option and then send your payment to REA at the address provided. Note that your transaction will not be considered complete until REA receives the actual payment, so this method will keep you waiting for services while we await the payment.

If you have any trouble, please use the “Report a Problem to Staff” link at the bottom of every REA page (even this one). Thanks!