Guidelines for Presenting a Poster

Are you interested in presenting a poster during the Poster Session at the REA Meeting in July? Congratulations! Presentation of a poster provides an excellent opportunity to interact with scholars on an individual basis, and incorporate extensive visual displays into the conference presentation.

Posters use words, pictures, charts and/or accompanying media for display and discussion pertaining to research done, still con­tin­u­ing, or in prepa­ra­tion, thus stim­u­lat­ing the exchange of ideas and net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. The poster session can be particularly beneficial for graduate students and those with works-in-progress, as it provides the opportunity for detailed feedback and one-on-one conversations. Groups of scholars may also submit proposals for a thematic collection of posters (e.g., on a collaborative project).

To facilitate conversation across levels of expertise, established members in the field and in the organization will be invited to briefly respond to each of the posters during a specific poster session. Posters remain on display in a high-traffic space throughout the conference, providing ample opportunity for persons to view your work and note your contact information.

Submit a Proposal

The proposal begins with a précis of no more than 600 characters (approximately 130 words). You then have an additional 1,000 words to describe your poster. Please use 5 distinct and labeled sections:

  1. What is your topic?
  2. What is your research question and methodology?
  3. What theories inform your research? What are your core references?
  4. How is this research innovating the field of religious education?
  5. What is the status of the research at the time of the proposal (e.g. finished ethnographic research, at beginning of reading)?

The deadline for poster proposals is January 31. All proposals must be submitted through the REA website.

Approved Proposals

By May 31, presenters of Posters must submit an outline of the main concepts/ issue, the methodology, and the primary sources grounding the poster for posting on the website, along with any digital media attachments.

This outline should be confined to 2-pages single-spaced, 12 point, Time New Roman font, 1” margins all around, and must be received in electronic format (‘doc’ or ‘pdf’) by our Executive Secretary (secretary [at] religiouseducation [dot] net). OUTLINES NOT RECEIVED BY THAT DATE WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE PROCEEDINGS AND WILL BE CANCELED FROM THE ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM. Unless otherwise requested, all outlines will be posted on the website prior to the meeting.

To present a poster at the annual meeting, you must be a current member of the Religious Education Association and registered for the annual meeting by June 1. Event registration and membership are available through the REA website at

Digital Poster Specifications

A digital poster is a visual approach to presenting research. You should aim to use the poster as a means for generating active discussion of the research. REA will be using the Zoom platform for our Annual Meeting this year and all posters will be presenting on Wednesday, July 6th from 9-10 am ET. Each presenter will be put into their own breakout room, by title of the poster presentation, and individuals will be able to put themselves in and out of the rooms. Presentations may be supported (but not replaced) by other materials such as a Prezi, Canva, or Powerpoint presentation. Accompanying media will need to be self-explanatory and running on a loop; it should not be tied to presenter explanation.

  1. Your poster must correspond to the title and content of the abstract you submitted.
  2. Your digital poster should be a one page pdf or 1 powerpoint slide or 1 canva page, etc. that contain all the information that will be shared on it. Note: creative use of smaller sections to make a composite poster-sized presentation can be helpful.
  3. Posters should be designed for clear viewing either as your main screen (using screen share) or your digital background.
  4. To ensure visual effectiveness of your poster, use large lettering and a minimum of text. Use a minimum font size of 14 points. Simple is more legible. “Times New Roman” is easier to read than sans serif fonts such as “Geneva”.
  5. Use of color can visually enhance your poster.
  6. Media should only be used to augment poster presentation; it cannot replace a poster (e.g., PowerPoint). It must be a continuous loop rather than a sequential explanation of presentation.

In-Person Poster Specifications

A poster is a visual approach to presenting research. You should aim to use the poster as a means for generating active discussion of the research. Presentations may be supported (but not replaced) by printed handouts (outline, discussion questions, etc.), or audio or visual materials.

  1. Your poster must correspond to the title and content of the abstract you submitted.
  2. Your poster must be no more than five slides in a slide deck.
  3. To ensure visual effectiveness of your poster, use large lettering and a minimum of text. Simple is more legible. “Times New Roman” is easier to read than sans serif fonts such as “Geneva”.
  4. Use of color can visually enhance your poster.

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