In the Flow

learning religion and religiously learning amidst global cultural flows

REA Annual Meeting 2010

7-9 November, Denver, Colorado


  • 2009 Business Meeting Minutes

    The PDF version of the 2009 Business Meeting minutes is now available. Remember that these are last year’s minutes, and we’ll post the minutes from the business meeting this year once we have them.

  • Preparing for Denver

    As we get ready to journey out to Denver, here’s a wonderful set of short digital stories that people involved with the Center for Digital Storytelling have created. They’re a great way to help us to contextualize where we’ll be.

  • Trying to build an online bookstore

    Given how difficult it is to get publishers to our meeting, we have tried to do onsite bookstores in the past. Even that is challenging, so this year we’re trying something different. We’ve asked publishers to send us one copy of each book written by our members, and we will have them up as a…

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