There are three positions open, this is a 4 yr term from September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2026.
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Nolan is a retired Minister of the Uniting Church in Australia currently serving as Interim Minister for the Glasshouse Country Uniting Church in Queensland, until they find a new minister. She joined REA and APPRRE in 1983 while doing her doctorate in Religion and Education at Union Theological Seminary and Teachers College, Columbia University in New York. When she returned to Australia in 1986 she continued to be an active member presenting papers and workshops at annual conferences, serving on the Board, and enjoying the international comradeship of Religious Educators which REA provides.
Elizabeth had 20 years in public school Religious Education work in administration, writing curriculum, training voluntary teachers and serving on State and national committees before she moved into congregational ministry (when positions in the RE field disappeared in 1996). She was part of an ecumenical RE Curriculum Project team during 1976-1990 writing interfaith curriculum resources for all school year levels, preparing two Teacher Education manuals and conducting training courses throughout Queensland and Tasmania. During 1994-96, she wrote 12 books for ecumenical Christian Religious Education for secondary schools in Australia and New Zealand, and contributed articles and chapters for other books and journals since then. She was made a Life Member of the Australian Association for Religious Education (AARE) and maintained her interest in the wider RE field as part of ecumenical and church national and State committees throughout her parish ministry in Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland.