Join us on November 2nd from 7 to 9:30 pm ET for our informal online Fall Gathering. Once you register we will be able to send you the approriate zoom link the day before. This event is free to anyone registered, so please share it widely with your networks. Once you are registered you will receive the link to the gathering, which we will also post here at the time of the gathering.
Our plan is as follows:
i. A pre-gathering gathering for students! (5:30 to 6:45 pm ET)
I. Welcome & Opening Prayer (Patrick Reyes) (7-7:10pm ET)
II. REA Updates (7:10-7:30pmET)
III. Roundtable Discussion ( 7:30-9:30pmET)
Re-Imagining Religious Education After Pandemic
IV. Working groups, communities of practice, and more, time in breakout rooms as requested (contact our executive secretary) (9:30-10:30pmET)
Our focus this year is “Re-Imagining Religious Education After Pandemic” and we will be hosting a round table discussion led by Tamar Wasoian, Anton Vrame, Tammy Wiens, and Denise Janssen, followed by breakouts and open Q&A and networking.
We are concerned about the trajectory of religious education in our churches, synagogues, mosques, and other religious gathering places after the pandemic. In the USA, it is clear that parish and congregation based religious education programs suffered during the pandemic. While overall parish life may be rebounding, religious education programs have not.
Our hypothesis is that COVID brought to the surface a wider range of issues that our field was already struggling with. Our round table conversation will represent the diversity of REA to the best of our ability. We are eager to engage these issues, by sharing experiences, strategies, methodologies, about religious education in a post-COVID congregation.