This page will give you quick access to all of the biographies of the people standing for election in 2023.
The following positions are open, and these people have agreed to stand for election. Other people may be nominated from the floor during the Business Meeting. On the ballot you will notice that in some cases there are more people running than we have terms available on the committee. Please know that our REA by-laws allow chairs to welcome anyone onto REA committees for their term as chair, and anyone not elected to full terms on these committees today will be welcomed as members on these committees by the chairs. In other words, everyone nominated will become members of these committees, with your vote you are only deciding who will have the terms stated on this ballot.
You will be given a link to the ballot during the business meeting, so you must attend that meeting to vote (which has always been the case at REA).
Members of the REA Board:
Vice President
Patricia Bonilla
Recording Secretary
Heesung Hwang
Student Representative to the Board
Peter Cariaga
Eunjin Jeon
Paulus Eko Kristianto
Chair, RE in Faith Communities
Paulus Eko Kristianto
Chair, RE in Academic Disciplines and Institutions
Karen-Marie Yust
Other positions:
Member, RE in Public Life and Global Community
Miseon Choi
Paulus Eko Kristianto
Raphael Yabut
Member, Harper Wornom Committee
Nominations will be solicited from the floor
Member, Proposals Committee
Heather Ingersoll
Patrick Reyes