Whose Children Are They?

Responsibilities for religious formation of a new generation

REA Annual Meeting 2023

10-14 July, Online

REA2023 News

  • Open Access RE Book Published

    Thanks to Bert Roebben for the announcement of this new book — Educating Religious Education Teachers: Perspectives of International Knowledge Transfer — which is open access and free for download!

  • Check out the announcements!

    Check out our announcements page, and particularly the resource links collection. People have started add things to both of those sites. You can, too! Also, remember to prepare for the Business Meeting later today. As an association we are very participatory and collegial, and at that time we make decisions together that impact our work…

  • Sharing information and networking

    REA2023 is off to a great start! Packed sessions yesterday, with ideas percolating amongst people engaging with papers. Remember that papers are linked to each session, and we encourage you to read them ahead of time so that the discussion is as rich as possible in the synchronous gatherings. Zoom links for sessions will be…

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