Whose Children Are They?

Responsibilities for religious formation of a new generation

REA Annual Meeting 2023

10-14 July, Online

REA2023 News

  • Special journal forum now available

    We are less than two months away from our annual meeting! We are looking forward to exploring “Whose children are they?” with you. Did you know there was a pre-conference issue with the theme? If you are a member, go check out the submissions by logging into our member site and heading over to Taylor…

  • Tulsa regional gathering

    The REA Board is seeking to support people gathering in person in more regional meetings, and one that will happen during our annual meeting is in Tulsa, OK. VP Anne Walker has helped to plan this event, and people are welcome from anywhere in the world to join in this gathering. Details are available online.

  • Many Voices, Many Languages

    In recent years, REA’s online annual gatherings have emphasized its global membership and the global impact of our guild. Part of how we continue to lean into making global perspectives the place from which we operate, is to explore and implement language accessibility when we gather. Many of our members speak more than one language,…

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