Summer 2012 NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities, Call for Proposals

The Virtual Center for Spatial Humanities (VCSH), a multidisciplinary collaboration among Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI), Florida State University, and West Virginia University, is pleased to announce an NEH Advanced Institute for summer 2012 designed to advance exploration of key topics in the spatial humanities. The institute theme is “Spatial Narrative and Deep Maps: explorations

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Call for Papers, Religion and Education

Religion & Education invites manuscripts addressing the Fiftieth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1963 ruling of the companion cases of School Districts of Abington Township v. Schempp and Murray v. Curlett (Abington). Abington, when combined with the Court’s 1962 judgment in Engel v. Vitale, has had significant impact on its First Amendment jurisprudence relating to

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Call for Papers, Cultural Sustainability, Social Cohesion and Glocal Education

Conveners: Zvi Bekerman – Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Education, The Melton Centre Miriam Ben Peretz – University of Haifa, Department of Education David Zisenwine – Tel Aviv University, The Kelman Center Modern education systems function to build social cohesion through homogenization, whether in decentralized and varied school systems as in the USA or

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David Hogue Power Point Presentation

David Hogue addressed the conference November 4th. Attached is a copy of the his Power Point in PDF format (thanks to Dr. Hogue for sharing this information). REA – Brain Matters, Practicing Religion, Forming the Faithful           In addition Dr. Hogue offered the following resources for future reading Schore, A. N.

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“Covering” the conference

There is some great digital outreach happening while we’re here in Toronto. Check out Daniel Harper’s blog, for instance, where he shares what he’s learning in various sessions. Follow us on twitter (hash tag for this meeting #rea2011). Our speaker last evening was Barbara Bradley Hagerty, the religion correspondent for NPR Radio. She talked about

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