The End of Evil?

Reporter Ron Rosenbaum of Slate Magazine/Spectator Section writes: “Is evil over? Has science finally driven a stake through its dark heart? Or at least emptied the word of useful meaning, reduced the notion of a numinous nonmaterial malevolent force to a glitch in a tangled cluster of neurons, the brain?” Read more in the article

The End of Evil? Read More »

Early registration extended to Oct. 7…Special rate for accommodations ends Oct. 11

Early Registration for the 2011 REA:APPRRE Annual meeting has been extended to October 7. Visit the REA conference webpage to view more details, ncluding: schedule information, breakout sessions, accommodations, and the online registration form. You do not want to miss this exciting conference from Nov. 4 through Nov. 6 in Toronto, Ontario. Early registration will end

Early registration extended to Oct. 7…Special rate for accommodations ends Oct. 11 Read More »

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