Program Chair

The Program Chair is responsible for the vision and implementation of the REA annual meeting program. The Program Chair is elected by the REA membership on the basis of their proposed program theme and activities for a two-year term that moves through program chair-elect in year 1 and program chair in year 2. The Program Chair serves on the REA Board of Directors, the Steering Committee, and chairs the Program Planning Committee. If a theme proposal is made by a team of co-chairs, then it is important to be clear about which co-chair will attend the Board and Steering Committee meetings. The entire committee of co-chairs is welcome, but it is also possible to designate someone for that role.

Responsibilities and Requirements

  • Develop program vision and theme.
  • Work with Program Planning Committee to enlist speakers, create schedule, and plan all events. The Committee is composed of the Program Chair, the Program Chair-elect, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Justice/Equity/Diversity/Inclusion Officer, and the Proposal Selection Committee Chair. The President, Networking Coordinator, and Executive Secretary are members ex officio.
  • Collaborate with Executive Secretary and Networking Coordinator to make meeting arrangements.
  • Collaborate with external consultants to update and enhance website for meeting.
  • Provide article for conference issue of Religious Education.
  • Work with Program Chair-Elect to evaluate your program and strategize for enhancement in future years.

Expectations of all REA Board members

  • Maintain current REA membership.
  • Attend Board meetings: (1) the spring Board meeting in March, lasting from Thursday dinner through Sunday noon. Board members are reimbursed for expenses to attend the spring meeting unless it is held virtually; (2) the Board meetings before and after the Annual meeting, on Thursday evening and Sunday afternoon. Board members pay their own expenses. (3) the REA Annual Business Meeting; (4) the Advisory Council meeting, held Sunday noon immediately after the Annual Meeting.
  • Provide reports for Board and Steering Committee meetings.
  • Assist in articulating and communicating REA’s identity and vision for a broad audience.
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