Peace & Justice Work Group

Welcome to the home page of the Peace and Justice Work Group of the Religious Education Association. We hope to build up this page as a place to gather and share links to materials that religious educators working with peace and justice issues might find useful. In the past we’ve had both a facebook page, and a wiki page, but we intend to consolidate more here, now that REA:APPRRE has a new site.

Carl Procario-Foley is our task force coordinator, and you can reach him at: cprocario-foley [at] iona [dot] edu

We often try to host either a panel session at the meeting, or a pre-conference day that gets us out into the community to learn about and work on a particular issue.

In Atlanta, in 2012, we hosted a pre-conference visit to The King Center.

In Denver, in 2010, we hosted a pre-conference workshop on digital story-telling.

In Dallas, in 2009, we hosted a panel discussion with Len Ellis of the Dallas Peace Center.

In Chicago, in 2008, we hosted a pre-conference with the Interfaith Youth Core at their national headquarters.

In Boston, in 2007, we hosted a series of roundtable discussions with local scholar/activists, including M. Brinton Lykes of Boston College, and Maggie Herzig of the Public Conversations Project.

Bud Horell also curated a special forum in a recent issue of the journal Religious Education, on “religious education as work for justice and a just peace.” (See Vol. 105, No. 1, January-February 2010.) Members have free online access to this journal through through Informaworld.