The Board of the REA determined that our 2025 annual meeting will be completely online in July, with an explicit encouragement and opportunity to plan for Regional Gatherings. Proposals for such gatherings which are complete and meet the Board’s basic requirements (below) will be put to a vote and funded. You must be a member of the REA to make a Regional Gathering proposal, and members who have attended several annual meetings will likely have an advantage when applying.
Proposing a regional gathering has the additional element of nominating a regional host to help lead and organize the gathering, with the help of REA staff. Of course, we hope there will be a team/committee working on this.
Regional Gatherings are proposed via this online form, and will be reviewed by the Board as they are received. Proposals will require the following basic elements:
- A location (keep in mind that a location should be chosen with proximity to members in mind.) A location should be able to be accessible (without needing to fly or access additional funds) for at least 7-10 members
- An itemized list of needs and a budget (I.E. rental space, food, fees for a field trip admission, etc.) Please note that REA cannot purchase alcoholic beverages. If you would like libations feel free to consider having an open bar, BYOB, or have someone volunteer to cover it.
- A specific person who is being nominated as the host to aid in the organization of the regional gathering
- A draft flyer/ ad about the regional gathering, to be approved by the REA steering committee
- A list of at least 7-10 persons who will attend the gathering
- An agenda of what will occur at the gathering
- A plan for capturing the event through a brief report of who was present and what took place. This can simply be an updated agenda with those who were present or a more full report or blog. We would also welcome photos or video, being sure to get consent from those photographed or in the video.
- Justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion at the REA is a shared commitment and ongoing practice. As we work towards regional gatherings, please include attention to the JEDI issues important to your gathering contexts. This can mean attention to accessibility, gender, race, ethnicity, language, human sexuality, and religious diversity.
There is a pool of $7,500 available to share across all proposals. Recommended requests are between $500-$1500. There is also room in the form to add additional information, such as any possible sources of additional funding you can bring to the process, etc.
Regional Gathering proposals closed on January 31, 2025.
The REA board will vote on proposals at the February/March REA board retreat
Questions? Contact our Executive Secretary.