Author name: Mary

“Covering” the conference

There is some great digital outreach happening while we’re here in Toronto. Check out Daniel Harper’s blog, for instance, where he shares what he’s learning in various sessions. Follow us on twitter (hash tag for this meeting #rea2011). Our speaker last evening was Barbara Bradley Hagerty, the religion correspondent for NPR Radio. She talked about […]

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Blogging for Plenary #1: David Hogue

David Hogue, Professor of Pastoral Theology and Counseling at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, is the author of Remembering the Future, Imagining the Past: Story, Ritual, and the Human Brain and several book chapters and journal articles exploring the intersection of ritual, liturgy, pastoral care and the neurosciences. David is our opening plenary speaker.

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C. Ellis Nelson service announced

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary has announced that an internment service will be held for C. Ellis Nelson on August 12th. The service will take place at the Seminary’s Memorial Garden, which is located behind the Frank H. and Fannie W. Caldwell Chapel, where Dr. Nelson wished his ashes to be buried.

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C. Ellis Nelson passes

Dr. C. Ellis Nelson, noted Presbyterian professor of Christian education and prominent leader in theological education, died Thursday, June 9, 2011, in Austin, Texas, where he resided with his spouse of seventy years, Nancy Gribble Nelson. He was 95 years old. Dr. Michael Jinkins, the president of Louisville Seminary offered this tribute, and we will

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C. Ellis Nelson, 9 June 2011

Ellis Nelson’s pioneering research and writing about forming Christian disciples through the life of a congregation, coupled with his deep wisdom, gentle wit, and genuine humility, endeared him to several generations and secured his place in the history of the American Presbyterian Church. The only son of Carl and Elizabeth Nelson of Beaumont, Texas, Nelson

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Harold W. Burgess, 28 March 2011

Faculty Emeritus at Asbury Theological Seminary, passed away on March 28, 2011 at his home. Burgess was born to school teachers William K. and Gladys Burgess on Oct 8, 1933 in Marlette, Michigan. Harold was ordained to pastoral ministry in the Missionary Church in 1962 and served several churches throughout his lifetime. He invested his life in

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ACS announces conference

The 11th International Conference on Children’s Spirituality will be held on 1-5 August 2011 at Union Presbyterian Seminary, in Richmond, Virginia. The conference theme is “The Politics of Children’s Spirituality: Identifying & Responding to Social Practices that Put Children at Risk.”

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