Religious Education in a Time of Crisis: Invitation to a Catholic Community of Practice Conversation

The past few months have brought serious disruptions and challenges to all of us in our religious education efforts, in academic and practitioner settings alike. The pandemic and abrupt shifts it has caused for our teaching, communication and ministry, and more recently, the murder of George Floyd and growing urgency for antiracism efforts—all of these summon us to engage our gifts, imaginations and passions in religious education in transformed contexts and with new questions. Catholic religious educators are called to bring the particular resources of our tradition to these “signs of the times.”

Catholic Community of Practice members, and other interested REA members, are invited to a Zoom conversation to explore together our emotions, insights and emerging strategies in these critical times. We’ll gather on Monday, June 22, 12:00-1:30 PM, Eastern US Time. If interested, please email COP convener Maureen O’Brien at obrien [at] duq [dot] edu for the Zoom link, and to contribute ideas and questions for our time together.

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