IIIT’s Call for Research Proposals

IIIT’s Advancing Education in Muslim Societies (AEMS) is an initiative whose empirical research goal is to promote socio-emotional learning and value-based education in Muslim communities in North America and around the globe. AEMS empirical research follows a three- year cycle of funded research priorities situated within the above area. Currently they are soliciting proposals on

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The call for papers has just been issued for THEOCOM 19, which is an annual symposium-style gathering of theologians and other scholars around the topics of digital culture and communication. This summer, July 21-23, it will focus on how faith formation is shaped by digital culture. Deadline for proposals is March 30th.

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CFP: Bloomsbury Handbook of Religious Education in the Global South

Edited by Yonah H. Matemba (University of the West of Scotland, UK) and Bruce Collet (Bowling Green State University, USA) with the assistance of sections editors (tbc), this book welcomes critical papers that address both the confessional and post-confessional landscape upon which contemporary RE is predicated in the GS. In particular, we are keen to

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CFP: Interrogating Self-Care: Bodies, Personhood, & Movements in Tumultuous Times

The graduate students from nine universities of the Boston-area Consortium for Graduate Studies in Gender, Culture, Women, and Sexuality present a biannual interdisciplinary conference entitled Interrogating Self-Care: Bodies, Personhood, & Movements in Tumultuous Times to be held at MIT on March 29 & March 30, 2019. Deadline for proposals is January 4th, and much more

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CFP: Greek Journal of Religious Education

Greek Journal of Religious Education  is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed international journal published by KAIROS- – Greek Theological Association for the improvement of the Religious Education. It publishes original research and review articles without a fee. The main objective of ΕλΘΕ/GjRE is to provide an intellectual platform for international scholars. ΕλΘΕ/GjRE aims to

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