NYT opportunity: film and race

Race/Related and The New York Times are partnering with the PBS documentary series POV to offer a creative filmmaker, video star or technologist an opportunity to pitch and produce an innovative project dealing with race or ethnicity. It would be a 20 week position working with the Race/Related team, and they’re looking for applicants. The deadline is July

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Religion, media, empathy

Magnum, known for its work in documentary photography, is leading a new project which will collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to produce in-depth and experimental projects on religion. The CFP notes: In our current environment of increased sectarian conflict, it is more important than ever to provide well developed, nuanced perspectives on the many roles religion plays

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Childhood, faith and the media

The symposium on ‘Childhood, Faith and the Media’ is a plenary of the Leverhulme Trust-funded ‘Faith on the Air: a religious educational broadcasting history’ project at the University of Worcester. This one-day conference will provide an opportunity to engage in research-informed discussion of issues in religious broadcasting for children and young people in historical and contemporary

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CFP for AKRK meeting in September 2016

The “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Religionspädagogik und Katechetik” (AKRK – Association of Scholars in Catholic Religious Education and Catechetics) is an international association of religious education scholars from German-speaking countries, working at universities, teachers’ colleges, theological academies and similar institutions. Researchers from other countries are frequently participating in the AKRK’s work as well. The AKRK announces its

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2016 Proposal Process now open

The proposal submission process for our 2016 annual meeting — Pittsburgh, PA from the 4-6 of November — is now open. This year we are accepting proposals in Research Interest Group, Workshop, and Poster Presentation formats. There will be a particular emphasis on, and support for, Poster Presentations. You can propose a presentation in our

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Religious Pluralisation – A Challenge for Modern Societies

Herrenhausen Conference: October 4-6, 2016, Hanover, Germany The long-held belief in the secularization thesis and the subsequent expectation that religion would gradually lose its societal relevance in public and scientific discourse led to religion being treated rather as a side issue. This has changed fundamentally in the wake of growing religious pluralization. In this respect,

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CFP for special issue on RE and Racism

The January-February 2017 issue of Religious Education seeks papers for a special issue critically exploring religious education in relation to race, racism, and anti-racism. What is the role of religious education in addressing racism today? Around the globe racism’s presence and effects manifest themselves in situations as varied as acts of racially motivated violence in

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