Horizons Review Process

The Horizons in Religious Education series publishes manuscripts defining key directions in the field of religious education. Inclusion in the series is competitive. REA commitments to interfaith, intercultural, and international conversations about the field guide manuscript selection for publication in the series. Horizons accepts no more than three manuscripts each year

In determining manuscripts for the series, editors give preference to newer scholars. However, the series editorial board may select edited manuscripts by established scholars defining key directions in the field. Edited manuscripts are to be focused and integrated including also the work of younger scholars.

The Horizons editorial board maintains the direction of Horizons in Religious Education in consultation with the REA Publications committee for the REA executive committee. The board provides an annual report of the work of Horizons to the Publications committee.

Communication among Horizons members usually occurs by email, yet the board attempts to schedule one meeting annually, often by audio or online conferencing.


While only completed manuscripts may be reviewed for publication, the series co-editors remain available for consultation about proposed manuscripts. The process of manuscript selection is as follows:

  • Submit a completed manuscript to Dr. Mai-Anh Le Tran, Chair of Horizons co-editorial Team, at maianh [dot] tran [at] garrett [dot] edu.
  • Manuscripts should be approximately 40,000-50,000 words or 160-200 typed double spaced pages and no more than 200 pages including introductions, table of contents, citations and any indexes.
  • Authors should be members of the Religious Education Association.
  • The manuscript will be shared with a second co-editor. They in turn invite one or two additional members of REA to review the manuscript.
  • The co-editors review and summarize comments to be shared with the author. If rejected, editors inform the author of the decision. If accepted, editors inform the author of editing needed before final acceptance. Often the author must revise the original manuscript prior to publication. Once the editors decide for publication, one of the co-editors arranges contact between the author and editorial colleagues at Wipf and Stock.
  • Manuscripts need to be submitted to Wipf & Stock in final form as defined by the Wipf and Stock author guide. Often co-editors suggest an editor or copy editor to assure manuscripts meet publication guidelines, yet the author bears any expense meeting this expectation.

Shaping of ideas/mentoring

The Horizons Editorial Board believes that the field advances and flourishes when scholarly energy is well-stewarded within a community of collegial support. We know that shaping and developing new projects is difficult work, especially for new scholars who are navigating complex professional demands. We also recognize that contributions to a field requires careful discernment of how to communicate important ideas through quality research to relevant publics.

To encourage scholarly generativity, the editors of Horizons are committed to supporting authors in considering, exploring and developing focused projects that contribute to the field. We invite authors with new ideas to contact any one of the three co-editors of Horizons. The co-editors will assist authors in considering possibilities, including connecting them with other editors and/or seasoned colleagues in the Religious Education Association to shape and develop focus, scope, and arguments for viable projects. We believe this collegiality will enhance contributions to the field as well as embody our field’s commitments to a community of scholarship.


Click to retrieve HORIZONS in RE Proposal Form (2024), HORIZONS Manuscript Review Process (2024-May), HORIZONS Guidelines for Manuscript Review (2024-Jul)

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